Stam & Associates Eye Care -
Diabetes is mainly treatable but does have some effects on your…
4 Signs of Diabetic Eye Disease
For patients with diabetes, eye health needs to be a top priority.…
Glaucoma Can Rob You of Sight Before You Know You Have It
Glaucoma in Jacksonville FL is a serious eye condition that…
Signs of Excess UV Exposure to the Eyes
It’s no secret by now that excess UV exposure can damage the…
What Are Retinal Disorders?
Your retina, which is the back layer of your eye, can develop…
Eyeglasses vs. Contact Lenses
Whether you choose eyeglasses or contact lenses, both options…
Will My Glasses Correct for 20/20 Vision?
The term 20/20 vision refers to normal vision, meaning you can…
4 Symptoms of Diabetic Eye Disease
It’s long been known that diabetes has repercussions throughout…