Entries by Dr. Bryan Stam

How to Avoid Coke Bottle Lenses

In the past, people with strong eye prescriptions were resigned to wearing whatever eyeglass lenses were given to them, no matter how thick they ended up being. What made matters even more awkward was when a person had much worse vision in one eye. These scenarios usually ended up with a person having to wear […]

Astigmatism Explained in Layman’s Terms

So many times when you visit an eye doctor, they bring up terms that the average person has no idea what they mean. Many patients are averse to asking what a term means, assuming that they’re the only ones who don’t know. At Stam & Associates Eye Care, we strive to ensure that our patients […]

The Science Behind Neurolenses

Neurolenses might sound like something out of a science fiction movie, but they aren’t fiction for the hundreds of thousands of patients who are already enjoying their benefits. If you have certain kinds of eye alignment issues, you might be a good candidate forneurolenses in Jacksonville, FL. What are Neurolenses? Neurolenses are a special kind […]

Stam & Associates Eye Care –

Diabetes is mainly treatable but does have some effects on your lifestyle. One of these effects is that the blood vessels in your eyes can become damaged more easily. Early detection of this is crucial, and eye exams are the best way to ensure that it is caught and treated properly. The professional team at Stam […]

4 Signs of Diabetic Eye Disease

For patients with diabetes, eye health needs to be a top priority. Poorly controlled diabetes can lead to diabetic eye disease, a progressive condition that can eventually cause blindness. If you suspect that your vision may be impacted by your diabetes, watch for certain signs and symptoms. Here are five things that may indicate you’re […]

Glaucoma Can Rob You of Sight Before You Know You Have It

Glaucoma in Jacksonville FL is a serious eye condition that slowly robs people of their sight. Unfortunately, glaucoma can lead to blindness if left untreated. For many people, the most challenging part of living with glaucoma is that it typically causes no symptoms until the advanced stages. The best way to know you have glaucoma even […]

What Are Retinal Disorders?

Your retina, which is the back layer of your eye, can develop diseases that require treatment to prevent loss of sight or visual clarity. Retinal disorders in Jacksonville FL affect light-sensitive tissues located at the back of your eyes. Photoreceptor cells in your retina receive and convert light into electrical signals that help your brain make sense […]

Eyeglasses vs. Contact Lenses

Whether you choose eyeglasses or contact lenses, both options offer great qualities. However, making the right choice for your specific needs is important. Here at Stam & Associates Eye Care, we can help you make the best decision for your vision and eye health. We carry eyeglasses from many top brands and are happy to […]

Will My Glasses Correct for 20/20 Vision?

The term 20/20 vision refers to normal vision, meaning you can see a standard level of detail when you’re 20 feet away from an object. (Or, when you’re at the eye doctor, 20 feet away from an eye chart.) If you’re getting glasses, you may think this oft-quote number is the end goal, but that […]